It is staggering that it is over five years since I launched Me Spot, a health and wellbeing business for older women. What is even more incredible is that it has taken me so long to launch this blog!
My natural inclination is towards human interaction rather than digital, and the endless self promotion and trivia that I see on social media leaves me at best uninspired and at worst, super irritated. For me, the joy comes in meeting people, building relationships, trying new things (especially restaurants and cafes!), expanding my horizons, challenging the norms and living life on my own terms and not those that are necessarily expected of me.

From quitting a successful corporate career in a company that would have ‘looked after me’ for the rest of my working life and beyond (it SO didn’t feel like that to me!), to living for the last 8 years with an Algerian chef who, despite our diverging views on a multitude of things, has managed to gain my trust, commitment, love and respect (no mean feat believe me!), and a whole host of other things that I am sure you will hear about in the course of time, I think you can safely say that ‘I did it my way’ will be in my epitaph!
Up until now ‘my way’ didn’t include blogging and social media but something shifted my perspective. Recently one of my clients Tricia Cusden who runs Look Fabulous Forever, a brilliantly successful make up business for older women, wrote a blog about her experiences of training with me. Almost immediately it was released, I was contacted by women from all around the UK, who wanted my help. They knew they needed to increase their activity levels, improve their nutrition, and make changes to their lifestyle but weren’t sure where to start. As far as exercise goes, they were not able to find options in their local area that they enjoyed or that were appropriate. Many had had bad experiences with trainers who did not understand the needs of their ‘ageing’ bodies (by which I mean not twenty-something!). All were confused about the conflicting advice that is out there and the mixed messages that the media often presents us with.

What I realised was that if I was to help as many women as I can to make the changes they want, I would have to harness the power of technology. So the first step is to start my very own blog. I will be writing at least once a month to start off with and hoping to inspire you will all manner of things. It will be straightforward and honest, offering you a no nonsense view that is not influenced by the latest fad. Good health and wellbeing isn’t one dimensional and so it will be a lifestyle blog offering you help, advice and inspiration on fitness, nutrition, mindset, style, places to go, things to see and anything else that I think might help you to live a healthier, happier, more joyful life in which age is no barrier but instead something to be celebrated.
Do add your thoughts to the comments below and of course, let me know if there are any topics you would like me to address.
I do hope you enjoy it.
I wish you happiness with all your endeavors.
Congratulations Lindsay … love your new blog.. no nonsense… encouraging….inspirational and look forward to getting back on board hopefully soon – another osteopath appointment on Wednesday 🙂 SA xx
Thanks for your positive comments Sallyann. We’re looking forward to having you back as soon as you are ready. x
Thanks Corinne. Glad you enjoyed it. There’ll be lots more coming over the next few weeks and months!
Inspirational, no nonsense and joyful… the Me Spot blog is here. Congratulations Lindsay, and thanks for sharing your wisdom, top tips and best kept secrets!