How to add years to your life

The topic of ageing is always an emotive one. There are many different approaches – but did you realise that in itself can influence longevity? The blog reveals all…

Circle of hands

Friendship first

A night out with the girls is always something special but research shows that the power of friendship has a major role to play in our health and wellbeing. Read on to find out more…

Too much of a good thing

Is a strength always a strength? When we are firing on all cylinders, it’s easy to miss the signs that a positive is becoming a liability. The blog reveals all….

Dare to dream

If you have a niggly feeling there’s more to life but you are doing your best to ignore it, this blog is for you. Time to dream…

Take the pain out of gardening

The gardening season is in full swing. I am hearing about a few stiff backs, tight shoulders and sore bottoms! If that feels familiar, this blog is for you…

Secrets of success

Some people seem to achieve what they set out to almost effortlessly. What’s the secret? This blog removes the mystique behind their success and it’s more powerful than anything you learnt in school….