This doesn’t have to hurt

Ongoing joint or muscular pain can make life miserable. If you have experienced it and resigned yourself to living with it read on. This month’s blog explores the truth about our ageing bodies and offers an alternative solution….

Freedom and friends

In September 2021, Alison embarked on the journey of her life., a solo cycle tour of the UK. If inspiration is what you are looking for this January. look no further than this month’s blog…

Nordic walking on the beach

Nordic walking: the power of the poles

There’s still a lot of mysticism about the phenomenon that is Nordic walking. Find out how the poles can transform your walking and how to maximise the gains…

Setting the record straight

Away from headlines and mixed messages, here’s some down-to-earth, experience-based advice on the things that are worth the effort when it comes to fitness…

Pink and blue trainer

Are you getting enough…?

There are different and often conflicting messages about exercise everywhere you turn. So how much is enough and what exactly should we be doing? This month’s blog tells all…