Living well for longer: 5 essentials

Longevity is a hot topic right now. But in practice, what really makes a difference to the quality and quantity of life? This blog draws on my personal experiences of the women I work with…

Curl ups

The abs: looking beyond the six pack

If a six pack is not high on your list of priorities, is it really worth training the abdominals? How important are they and what return on your effort, if any, can you expect …

Turning my life around

Just as actors sometimes prepare for a new role by completely changing their lifestyle, I have often thought of carrying out my own similar experiment. This month the opportunity presented itself…

Exercise: your questions answered

Exercise can be a touchy subject for many women and there’s often more questions than answers. This blog helps to set the record straight and put your mind at ease…

Feel it in your bones

Almost 4 million people in the UK are currently living with osteoporosis. 78% of them are women. This blog is a must read for women of a certain age…